Best Time Blog

How to index your Blog Post fast!


We all know that Blogs are the best way to share something with the world. But with thousands of blogs out there, how do you get noticed? There are many ways to help index your blog posts fast in Google Search Console, but we choose Google’s own manual processes for our websites. If you’re looking for faster ways to get your blog post indexed on search engines, then read this article!

Submitting blog post URL in Search Console.

You can submit your blog post URL to Search Console.

Search Console is a free service provided by Google that helps you to monitor and maintain your website, among other things. It also allows you to submit your blog post URLs so that they can be indexed by search engines like Google and Bing. When a user searches for content related to one of these links, they will see a corresponding link on their search results page (if it’s set up properly).

Submitting blog post URL in Google Ping Services.

Google Ping Services is a free service that you can use to notify Google of any changes in your site. You can use it to notify Google of new content on your site, such as a blog post or product page.

To get started, go to On this page, click “Create New Project” at the top right corner of the screen and then choose “Create New Project.” Use this same process for each new project you want to add as well; just remember where its URL is located!

Submitting blog post URL in Google pinging service.

Google pinging service is a free tool that you can use to ping your blog posts. You can also ping multiple times if you want to keep track of all the new content that you have published on your website. Pinging helps Google find new content and index it for search results, which will help increase traffic and engagement with your website as a whole.

Submitting blog post URL in Google Blog Search Ping Service.

Google Blog Search Ping service is a free service by Google. It helps you submit your blog post URL to Google, and it will help you index your blog post fast.

The best thing about this tool is that it’s used by many bloggers and webmasters as well! If you are looking for an easy way to submit your blog post URL in order to get indexed faster, then this might be something worth trying out!

Submitting blog post URL in Bing Webmaster Tool.

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free service provided by Bing. It helps you to submit your website to Bing, as well as to submit your blog post URL to Bing.

You can use this tool to submit any content on your website or blog that has already been indexed by Google Search Console (GSC). You will be able to see the status of each piece of content and make changes if necessary, then click on “Submit” when finished.

Submit website to Google using Fetch as Google tool.

Fetch as Google is a tool that lets you submit your site to Google. This tool can help you to submit your website to the search engines and it will also show the list of issues on your blog.

You can use this tool to see the list of errors on your blog, then Fix These Issues Now!

Submitting blog post to Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc,.

Now that you have your blog post ready to go, it’s time to submit it. This will ensure that the content is visible in search engines and other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

To submit your blog posts on social media sites:

  • Go to the website of the site you want to submit your article/post at (Facebook, Twitter etc.).
  • Search for “submit” or “publish”. You’ll find that there are several options in these websites which include submitting article using their own interface or using third party tools like Hootsuite or Buffer. If you want an easy way then use these tools which make things easier for us!

Use these steps to index your Blog Post Fast!

  • Use the steps above to index your Blog Post Fast!
  • The more links you have, the faster your blog post will be indexed.
  • The more social media shares you get, the faster your blog post will be indexed.
  • The more you promote your blog post, the faster it will be indexed


In this post, we have discussed some tips on how to index your Blog Post fast! We hope that you will be able to use these steps and follow them.

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